Support Center

How can I block one person in the chat?
Just slide right the chat on the chat list.

How can I report an offensive, abusive chat?
Just slide left the chat on the chat list, this will report and block the chat.

How can I hide a particular post?
Click on the three dots on the upper right corner of the post, a sheet will show up, click "Hide Post".

A post is making me uncomfortable, what I can do?
Click on the three dots on the upper right corner of the post, a sheet will show up, click "Report Post". This will also hide the post.

How can I hide a particular mark?
Double click the center of the screen, a sheet will show up, click "Hide Mark".

A mark is making me uncomfortable, what I can do?
Double click the center of the screen, a sheet will show up, click "Report Mark". This will also hide the mark.

How can I see my marks?
Double click on the right side of the screen, on the center. If you have done some mark, they will be shown there. Click to go through them. Double click on the right side of the screen to go back.

How can I delete my marks?
Double click on the right side of the screen, on the center. If you have left some mark, they will be shown there. Click to go through them, long press to delete them. Double click on the right side of the screen to go back.

How long lasts the keep alive?
The keep alive effect time depends on how much the queues are busy, on average is about 30 minutes.

Sometimes, the mark/s is disappearing, why?
In very low light conditions, when you occlude the camera, when you move the phone too fast the camera loose tracking of the world and disables agumentation.

I am unable to upload some image on my profile, why?
We check the content of the picture uploaded, if it's flagged as inappropriate or contains text, we block it.

The slider has turned red, why?
Slider is becoming red once all the available marks have been diplayed and now looping.

I can't find some of my marks, why?
If your account has been inactive for too long, your oldest marks can be removed.

I can't find some of my comments on marks, why?
We perform moderation on comments content, it may take some time to get approved or it has been rejected. If you have commented your own mark, the comment is always shown to you also if not (yet) approved.

My Apple ID has changed, my Quivity user can be linked to the new Apple ID?
We are afraid, due to security sestrictions we can't. You should cancel your active subscriptions on the old Quivity account, delete it, create a new one and subscribe again.

My Google ID has changed, my Quivity user can be linked to the new Google ID?
We are afraid, due to security sestrictions we can't. You should cancel your active subscriptions on the old Quivity account, delete it, create a new one and subscribe again.

I set my speed to 400% but it seems less than that.
Speed is an approximation and may be adjusted due to ability for the user to take actions at that specific speed.In the cases where we think it is too fast we slower the animation to allow user interaction within the animation.

Still unable to find what you are looking for?
Subscriber users can contact us via form. (English Only)

Non subscriber users can contact us via email. (English Only)
We will try to reply to your email within 60 days.